Monday, May 24, 2010

30-Day TRUE WOMAN Make-Over Day 24

Wehoo... today is a HOLIDAY... and what a beautiful and HOT day it was... (still is technically) The first official LONG WEEKEND of the year...

Today's verse is Proverbs 31:24 - "She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes."

Intentional by definition is;

1.done with intention or on purpose; intended: an intentional insult.
2.of or pertaining to intention or purpose.

We have to make it a PURPOSE to train those around us... If we are 'younger', we need to seek out an 'older woman' to mentor us, someone with similar circumstances, etc. If we are 'older' we need to live our lives as an example for the 'younger' generation. We need to search them out as well, and try to train them in the life principles found in God's Word. It sounds so difficult, and it sounds like it takes a lot of time, energy and work. Really, according to Nancy in TODAY'S DEVO, "It’s really just giving friendship, counsel, encouragement, exhortation by your example, by your words, one on one in the context of everyday life."

Getting together with someone, younger or older (or even a threesome where there is one young, one middle & one older) can be beneficial to both/all parties. It has been said that we should have "Paul's", "Timothy's" & "Barnabas'" in our lives... A 'Paul' is one who mentors and trains you. A 'Timothy' is one that you mentor or train, and a 'Barnabas' is one who is your peer, one who is WITH you on the journey.

I know that this is something I see myself getting more involved with, as it is a desire of my heart as well. I love all the 'spiritual moms' in my life, some are intentionally training and being an example, yet others are just living their life as an example to view, and learn from. I love teaching and training the younger generations, but usually is has been in the Preschool-Primary areas. Now, I find myself involved in our 'YOUNG GOD CHASERS' class, which is made up of 'Tweens who are ages 8-12. They are 'hungry' and 'thirsty' for knowledge and wisdom. They are exciting to teach, and train because they are ready to tell their story too. I am teaching them, but I am also learning from them as well. I am also planning to start a 'girls group' with a few other 'older' women... we are also getting our 'older' women involved too... to have a multi-generational ministry and get-togethers/functions/workshops/
conferences and more. I am excited to be a part of our church, because we are a church of equippers... so our 'children' and 'youth' are being brought up to equip others as well.

We should try to have PURPOSE for everything we do as women. It doesn't all have to be spiritual, yet it will bring spiritual blessings as well. As in our verse today, our 'virtuous woman' "makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes." We already know this woman is amazing... she makes linens and clothing to provide for her family, yet here we see she also makes linen garments with a PURPOSE. She is making them to sell. She herself does not sell the garments, she gives them to the merchants who sell them for her. She is again making a profit, for which she used some as an income to again provide for her family and as verse 16 states, "She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard". Everything this woman does is out of PURPOSE. She is a WOMAN of PURPOSE!

Purpose by definition is;

1.the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.
3.determination; resoluteness.
4.the subject in hand; the point at issue.
5.practical result, effect, or advantage: to act to good purpose.

–verb (used with object) set as an aim, intention, or goal for oneself. intend; design. resolve (to do something): He purposed to change his way of life radically.

Therefore, our 'virtuous woman' knows the reason for which she exists (definition #1). She is desiring to set goals for herself, and she tries to fulfill them to the best of her own ability. (definition #3 & #6) She resolves to be different, to do and be ALL that God has called her to be. (definition #8)

Again, this leads us to being the ME that God has called us to be... the ME that I want to be. My M.E. is my MAXIMUM EFFECTIVENESS. That by definition is;


5.that is a maximum; greatest or highest possible or attained: maximum satisfaction; maximum temperature.
6.pertaining to a maximum or maximums.


1.adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result: effective teaching methods; effective steps toward peace.
2.actually in operation or in force; functioning: The law becomes effective at midnight.
3.producing a deep or vivid impression; striking: an effective photograph.

Therefore, in my life I want to accomplish the greatest or highest possible things that God has planned for me. I want to ACTIVELY attain the goals that we have set for me. I am adequate to accomplish the purposes that He has for me, with PURPOSE, which will produce the intended or expected result that HE has for me! I really love the 3rd definition of 'Effectiveness' ~ "producing a deep or vivid impression; striking" I want to leave a deep & vivid impression to those who follow behind me. As a creative person as well, this creates a vivid picture for me. The example given is an 'effective photograph'... as a hobby photographer, I have seen several different 'contests/photo games' around the net, where the creator gives a topic/theme for example, and you have to post pictures that you have taken into that category. For example, say "BRIDGES" was the theme, I could post this picture (photo credit: ME)...

For "JOY" I could post this pic from our wedding...
Both of these pictures exhibit EFFECTIVE imagery showing the desired theme.
Now, using 'Effective' vs. 'Not so effective'... For "PAIN" I could post this pic of me when I had 'facial cellulitis'...(photo credit: Me)

Yet, here is another pic of me with the Facial cellulitis, but I have a smile on my face, so it kind of takes away from the desired effect of "PAIN"... it does still somehow look painful, because it is red and swollen, yet because of my smile, it doesn't 'seem' painful.

God's desired theme for us is to live a life that is pleasing to Him, and completely FOR Him. He doesn't want our 2nd best, nor does He want to be 2nd place! To be an EFFECTIVE witness and example, we need to live life with a PURPOSE! (God's purpose, not our own!)
When we do that, like our 'virtuous woman' friend, God will grant us favour and give us many blessings greater than we can imagine or think! So walk out your life with INTENTION and PURPOSE. (Not just living with 'good intentions'... but actually following through to reach the goal that God has for you in Christ Jesus!) "I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back." (Philippians 3:13-14 THE MESSAGE)


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