Wednesday, May 5, 2010

30-Day TRUE WOMAN Make-Over Day 5

Welcome to DAY#5!

Today's topic is... A GODLY WOMAN'S WORK!

Today's verse is Proverbs 31:5 -- "...lest they drink and forget what the law decrees, and deprive all the oppressed of their rights."

"What is a godly woman? In today’s culture, many women—even Christian women—struggle with this question. Is she loud and fun-loving, or quiet and reserved? Is she out-there and bold, or does she always work behind the scenes? Is she exceptionally gifted and talented, or is she an ordinary citizen? Is she fit and good at sports, or is she girly and feminine? Is she out in the work force, or is she always at home? Is God’s woman always found at one end of these extremes, or is there room for many different personalities and types of women in God’s program?" (Quote found here, on a book review page of Nancy Leigh DeMoss's book, pictured above, "Becoming God's True Woman". It could be in the book, or just a writing from the man who did the review, as I have not purchased nor read this book yet. It is on my 'wish list'.)

It has been said that 'a woman's work is never done'! This in itself is a true statement, because a woman's work is not just her lifestyle and job as a wife and/or a mother in the home, this also includes (if she has one) her employment outside the home as well, and her work in the church & possibly volunteer work in the community as well. However, a Godly woman needs to put God first, before her family, before her employment, and all else will fall into place for her.

We all have to 'work hard' to reap the benefits of our labour. Sometimes it may seem easier to get things 'handed to us on a platter', but really where is the true joy in that. I feel more satisfaction in knowing that I worked hard to receive something, rather than for it just to be given to me. For example, a cheesy example as yet it may be, when playing a game, I would rather work hard to think of the answer or to do the 'work' myself, then for someone to give me the answer. Too many times in life we settle for things because they were given to us, rather than us having to work for them. Then at times we feel they should give more, and more and we turn our eyes to others to provide. Technically we should be looking to God to provide, yet we also have to work for those benefits as well. God does indeed give us some things freely, but in most cases there is something that we have to do. There are a lot of promises in the Bible, and most of them are awesome, and people can quote them all the time, and they pray to God that He will be faithful and fulfill these promises, yet we don't take the time to read a couple Scriptures before the promises, where it says "If you... then I will..." God has an expectation of us, and there is a requirement of things that we must do to receive the full benefits of the Kingdom living.

In coinciding with the verse, a King has a lot of work to do. He does however seem like he can get what he wants, and he doesn't have to 'work' for it. In verse 4 (from yesterday) it states, "It is not for kings, O Lemuel— not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer," and then our verse today continues, "lest they drink and forget what the law decrees, and deprive all the oppressed of their rights." We spoke of how alcohol and the such impairs your mind, your judgement and your actions. A King needs to be wise and rule with Godly authority over his Kingdom. If a King gets drunk, their mind will be impaired, and they will in turn forget the law, and therefore cannot truly help those in the Kingdom who are oppressed as it says in the Scripture. A King is no good to his people if he cannot rule and reign in his full capacity. This would not only affect Lemuel as a king, but it would also adversely affect the people he governed. I looked up the definition of 'oppress', and according to, here's what it means:

–verb (used with object) burden with cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power: a people oppressed by totalitarianism. lie heavily upon (the mind, a person, etc.): Care and sorrow oppressed them. weigh down, as sleep or weariness does.
4.Archaic. to put down; subdue or suppress.
5.Archaic. to press upon or against; crush.

Therefore, the oppressed are those who are crushed in spirit, or those crushed in heart. They would be coming to the King for sound advice and wanting to know what they can receive. The King, if he was drunk would not be able to assist the oppressed, because his mind & thoughts would be impaired, and therefore he would not have the ability to fully carry out his 'work' as a King. The verse says that the King would 'deprive' the oppressed of their rights. Again, I looked up the word 'deprive', and according to, it means:

–verb (used with object),-prived, -priv·ing. remove or withhold something from the enjoyment or possession of (a person or persons): to deprive a man of life; to deprive a baby of candy.

If a King was to 'deprive' his subjects, this would look bad on the King himself. The rights that the subjects in the Kingdom were to have, would have been stripped away, as the King could not pass proper judgement in cases that were brought before him, and therefore the oppressed would be leaving more oppressed, which would cause depression in their soul.

Thankfully, our King does not deprive us of anything, yet instead gives us more than we need. We are never lacking, we just need to ask!

Later in Proverbs, we will see the characteristics of a 'virtuous woman', and in it, this Proverbs 31 woman does a lot of 'work', which allows her to be respected by her family and others in the community as well. When we work however, we need to remember we are to work as for the Lord, not for men. Sometimes when we complete a task, or a job, we look for recognition from man, and sometimes all we receive is harsh words or criticism. However, we should not let this bother us, nor should we become prideful seeking human recognition or thanks, for the Lord will reward those who faithfully work for Him. (Now our families should have hearts of thanksgiving, don't get me wrong, and a 'Thank You Mom/Honey' is always appreciated.) "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." Colossians 3:23-24 NIV


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