Saturday, May 8, 2010

30-Day TRUE WOMAN Make-Over Day 7

Welcome to DAY #7 (actually on Day #8) =)

Today's topic is "MEASURED WORDS"...

Today's verse is found in Proverbs 31:7 - "Let them drink to forget their poverty and remember their troubles no more", which is a continuation of the verses from previous days. When they are all read together it makes a little more sense.
Notes from today's devotional by 'True Woman' say "Stop and edit your words before your speak. (That may just mean saying less.)" How many of us truly measure our words? How many of us like to just speak without thinking first? I know that I have been caught in that last one, and have desired to change what I spoke. More recently I have made a point to choose my words carefully, and only say what needs to be said. Our tongues are weapons, and they are filled with blessings and cursings unfortunately. In Proverbs 18:21, the Word says, "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." So we have major power in our mouths, and can use our words to speak life, or to speak death to people and situations in our life. WOW! I think 'saying less' is always best. But not talking at all is not an option to choose. You need to speak your mind, your heart & the Father wants us to communicate with Him as well.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss compares measuring our words to measuring ingredients when cooking in her devotional words. When we are cooking, we are supposed to follow directions in the recipe to come out with a good meal. We are supposed to 'measure' the right amount of each ingredient, so that it will turn out, and we will not make those who are eating it hurt or sick. Now I know sometimes there are some (and I am one of them sometimes) that just 'throw' in what looks right, and it works out still... but that is done through practice and knowledge. It is the same with us and our tongue. We need to 'measure' the right amount of joy, constructive criticism, etc so that our sentences will turn out right, and we will not hurt those we love.

The 'virtuous woman' that King Lemuel's mother taught him about is one who watches her tongue and measures her words. It says in Proverbs 31:26, "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." Lemuel's mother spoke with wisdom, and faithful instruction when training Lemuel in these lessons found in Proverbs 31.


Be blessed & Be a blessing!

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