Sunday, May 9, 2010

30-Day TRUE WOMAN Make-Over Day 9

Wehoo... I made it to Day #9, although I have to go back and finish a few... that's okay, I spent time with God, and shared times today with His 'kids', who are wanting to run into His presence, and 'slide' down the long shiny gold hallways with Him! <3 (taken from 'The Young God Chasers' Curriculum).

Today's topic is: HIGH & HOLY CALLING

Today's verse is: Proverbs 31:9, "Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

Today's topic is letting us know that this woman (and we as women) have a high and holy calling on our lives. This woman's 'lot' in life is to give and give and give until there is not much left, but then she can still keep on giving and going... HOW DOES SHE DO THIS? (That is a question asked in today's devotional)

Nancy quotes that there are so many things that a woman has to do, and so little time to do them... and the fact that we sometimes get lazy and things hinder us from fully completing the task at hand. She quoted the verse found in Proverbs 10:27 -- "The fear of the LORD adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short." Reverance for the Lord adds years to your life... you will have extra time! That is an amazing fact...

There however are 'seasons' in life (not just the 4 seasons of winter, spring, summer and fall) and a woman can find JOY. "Joy is knowing and doing the will of God for my life for this season of my life." (quote from today's devo.)

There are soooo many things to do, especially for a single mom, or a woman who is a mom and a wife. Our schedules are so packed with things to do to provide and care for our family, yet we most importantly have to make time to spend with our own 'Daddy'. Nancy quotes, "But you make sure that your schedule and your moments are under the control and the direction of God’s Holy Spirit. There’s so much freedom in being set free from idleness because then we’re free to do what it is that God has called us to do." God will always make the time for us, if we give time back to Him. (Same as in finances, when you give cheerfully, He returns to you 10-fold, you reap what you sow.)

A woman (whether single, married, a Mom, or maybe even a Grandma) has a desire to make her home a place of comfort and rest. She has a desire to make sure it is tidy (somewhat), and that everyone is taken care of, and that everything is in its place. She has a heart for her home. "The reason she has a heart for her home is because she has a heart for the Lord. She is fulfilling God’s heart for her life, by focusing her energies and her efforts in the context of her home." (quote from today's devo.)

What do you first think of when you picture a 'spiritual woman'? I know my list first agrees with Nancy's list (in today's devo.) 'We think of a spiritual woman—if we were just to make a list—as a woman who goes to Bible studies, teaches a Sunday school class, or is involved in counseling. We say, 'That’s a spiritual woman!' She reads her Bible a lot, she memorizes Scripture, and she does all these things that we think of as 'spiritual.'... but I honestly don't look towards her 'home life' as we ought to... Nancy continues to tell us, "But, can I say that those things aren’t what make you inherently a spiritual woman? This woman in Proverbs 31 is a spiritual woman, and how do you know? It’s because of all the ways she serves her family." She shared a cute verse/poem, which is so true in our lives as women of God today...

A Little Place
Where should I work today, dear Lord, and my love flowed warm and free.
He answered and said, “See that little place? Tend that place for me.”
I answered and I said, “Oh no, not there! No one would ever see,
No matter how well my work was done. Not that place for me.”
His voice, when He spoke, was soft and kind. He answered me tenderly,
“Little one, search thy heart of thine. Are you working for them or me?
Nazareth was a little place and so was Galilee.”

So work for the Lord...

BE BLESSED & BE A BLESSING... Happy Mommy's Day too! <3

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